
Here is the list of ranks and who falls under each.

Knight Grand Masters (Commander/Executive Officer)

Leaders of the Clan

  1. KiritoXAsuna09
  2. Monkeyfrog
  3. ArticumMaladis 
  4. ktracer87

Master Knight Commanders (Executive Officer)

Second-in-Command take orders from the leaders

  1. KittyKitty
  2. TBA

Knight Commanders (Any Officer Rank)

These guys enforce the rules set by the Grand Masters and Master Knight Commanders


Knight-Lieutenants (Any Officer Rank)

These are Combat Ready Officers and Jr. Officers who have been picked to help enforce the rules and train new members.

  1. TBA
  2. TBA

Knight Officer (Any Officer Rank)

  1. wompbutt

Sergeant Majors (Junior Officer/Intelligence Officer)

  1. dragonsword500
  2. TBA

Sergeant 1st Class (Private)

Helps enforce the rules and train new members.

  1. tankerbuster_229
  2. move413

Staff-Sergeants (Private)

They are to help train new members.

  1. TBA

Sergeants (Private)

Privates within the clan help promote the clan.

  1. Shubster
  2. alxWarlord
  3. cabasily
  4. Italianstallion1
  5. Brutedog143
  6. BossPizzaGuy
  7. TBA
  8. TBA
  9. TBA
  10. TBA
  11. TBA
  12. TBA
  13. TBA
  14. TBA


Recruits/Reservists within the clan.

  1. TheMarine00

  2. Killer_War_fighter
  3. TBA


  1. Uros_Golic

  2. QuartzCastle
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